how we work

“Our work is
always a partner-
ship. We support
our clients and
their teams to
succeed in
defined goals”

Rich Solutions works collaboratively with clients to find solutions that lead to a happier work force and a saner work place. The collaboration between the client and the consultant is key to creative problem solving.

We value

  • Conversation as a means to uncover sound and sustainable solutions.
  • Building community as a means to increase workplace satisfaction.
  • Good questions.
  • Listening deeply.
  • Finding the right balance between action and process.

We work with a wide variety of organizations. Our focus on education, social justice and sustainability makes us especially adept at working with schools, school districts, non-profits and small businesses.

Organization Development

Organization Development is the practice of assisting organizations through large and small-scale change. At Rich Solutions, we are committed to the healthy functioning of your entire organization and to a process that encourages participation of all parts. To that end, we use a systems approach. In other words, we believe that all parts of an organization or system are connected. Understanding all parts of the system and how they fit together is critical for diagnosing an organization and creating long lasting and sustainable change.

Keeping the whole system in mind, Rich Solutions offers services in strategic planning, leadership development, team development, community engagement and process improvement.